I look at the fluorescent stars
under the shelves next to my bed:
the memories make me smile every time,
reminding me that I have friends:
it might seem silly but it’s a needed reminder,
a welcomed one.
So many years ago
my best friend put stars on the ceiling above my bed,
stars, planets and moons:
a whole universe in my tiny bedroom.
She said that it was for the bad days:
the days I struggled to get out of bed,
for the nights when the Sandman got lost in the darkness -
when sleep seemed light years away.
“Everyone need their own universe” she said
She didn’t know that she was the sun I was revolving around;
I already had my universe,
I wish I had a chance to tell her that.
A year back I had a really bad day;
the kind of day I didn’t leave bed,
eventually I called a friend &
we talked for hours and I told him
about my own fluorescent universe,
how I lost the pieces in boxes moving:
how I hoped to find them again some day.
A week later,
a small package arrived
no universe this time
just stars, pink fluorescent stars,
and a note:
“I’m sorry I can’t be there to help you put them up.
They’re for every day: not just the bad ones.
Make your own night sky.”
And I did.
I look at the fluorescent stars and they remind me of friends I have,
and the friends I had,
they make every bedroom feel like home:
they make the bad nights a little brighter,
they make the bad days a little better.
Everyone need their own universe;
it shouldn’t revolve around someone else though.