; ordkonstnärer (I wish I could..)
Åh vad jag älskarälskarälskar Conor. Lyssnat på albumet One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels alldeles för många Spotifytimmar nu.. Han gör det om&om&om igen med sina låtar. Texttrollkarl. Ordkonstnär. Smaka bara på dessa:
All these ideas of forever
Are just fundamentally wrong
- I know you
But once you knew a girl and you named her Lover,
And danced with her in kitchens through the greenest summers
Singing: I believe that lovers should be chained together,
Thrown into a fire with their songs and letters,
And left there to burn,
Left there to burn in their arrogance
- A Perfect Sonnet
I met you through a common friend
In the attic of my parents' house
And though I didn't know it then
I soon was finding out
Oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet
And hold the earth in place
- Oh, You Are The Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet And Hold The Earth In Place Lyrics
When panic grips your body
And your heart's a hummingbird
Raven thoughts blacken your mind
'Til you're breathing in reverse
All your friends and sedatives mean well
But make it worse
Every reassurance just magnifies the doubt
Better find yourself a place to level out
- If the Brakeman turns my way
I want a lover I don't have to love
I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
Where's the kid with the chemicals
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full
I need some meaning I can memorize
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind
- Lover I dont have to love
The end of paralysis
I was a statuette
Now I'm drunk as hell on a piano bench
And when I press the keys
It all gets reversed
The sound of loneliness makes me happier
- Poison Oak
Jag hade kunnat prata citat i timmar, för det är så vackert & jag förstår tusen gången om vad han menar med sina ord. Vill vara där, i texterna, bo i mellanrummen. Folk får tycka vad de vill om Conor. För mig är han textgud. Musikgud. Ordtrollkarl.